Owelu, Imo is a village under Obibi-ward-2 in Uratta which is in Owerri-north L.G.A of Imo-east in Imo region under East-central and Southeast of Southern Nigeria.
It's located near the city of Umundula in Orji-uratta in Owerri-north L.G.A at the West-pole, Ndokwu-ndu in Owalla-uratta at the East, Umuagbom in Okwu-uratta at the South, Obinnekele in Amatta-ikeduru at the North-pole, Umuogi in Orji-uratta at the Northwestwest, Umuiyi in Akabo-ikeduru in Ikeduru L.G.A at the North-northwest, Umuohia and Umuekpu in Amatta-ikeduru at the North-northeast, Ndokwu-ime in Owalla-uratta at the North-easteast, Umuosuagwu in Owalla-uratta at the South-easteast, Aladinma in Owerri municipal L.G.A at the South-southwest, Ikenegbu in Owerri at the South-westwest and Obilubi-obazu-mbieri in Mbaitoli at the North-west.
Owelu is surrounded by these villages/families/kindreds:
Owaelu-uratta is made up of these kindreds:
Obibi "II" as an electoral ward in Owerri-north L.G.A is made up of these communities:
Uratta as a clan is made of these electoral wards:
Uratta as a clan is sub-divided as follows.
Ihitaoha-uratta comprises these communities;
Obibi-uratta comprises these communities:
The spelling of Owelu, uratia in the Igboh language is "Owaelu, Uratta".
Its major landmark is "Amankwa", the market square.