Panjshir Front

Panjshir offensives
Part of the Soviet–Afghan War

Map of the Panjshir valley

Mujahideen victory

  • Soviet occupation of Panjshir Valley
  • Soviet withdrawal; Mujahideen reoccupation of Panjshir Valley
 Soviet Union
Afghanistan Afgahanistan
Shura-e Nazar
Commanders and leaders
Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev
Soviet Union Konstantin Chernenko
Soviet Union Sergei Sokolov
Soviet Union Norat Ter-Grigoryants
Soviet Union Ruslan Aushev
Afghanistan Babrak Karmal
Ahmad Shah Massoud (mainly)

Panjshir Front was a military association of the Afghan opposition in the Panjshir Valley during the Soviet–Afghan War (1979–1989) under the command of field commander Ahmad Shah Massoud. The Panjshir Front played a leading role in organizing and coordinating the military and political activities of the fronts by the type of the Islamic Army – the Islamic Society of Afghanistan – in five (5) northeastern provinces adjacent to Panjshiru: Kunduz, Baghlan, Takhar, Parvan, Kapisa.

Later, on the basis of the Panjshir and the northeastern fronts, the so-called "Supervisory Council" was created, which resolved military-political and economic tasks in organizing the activities of the anti-government forces of the entire region. Later such associations began to be established in the west and south of Afghanistan, the main role in them was played by the Islamic Society of Afghanistan party.