Pannonian Steppe

The Pannonian steppe in Seewinkel, Austria
A typical draw well in the Pannonian steppe in Hortobágy National Park
Hortobágy National Park

The Pannonian Steppe[1] is a variety of grassland ecosystems[2] found in the Pannonian Basin. It is an exclave of the Great Eurasian Steppe, found in modern-day Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and easternmost parts of Croatia.[3][4]

  1. ^ Természettudományi Múzeum (Hungary), 1969. link:
  2. ^ "Samen kaufen – große Saatgut Auswahl im Online-Shop | Asklepios Seeds" (PDF).
  3. ^ The European Commission (DG ENV B2) commissioned the Management of Natura 2000 habitats, 2008. ISBN 978-92-79-08328-0
  4. ^ n.a. (10 June 2022). "Obavijest o provođenju javne rasprave prijedloga plana upravljanja područjima ekološke mreže stepska staništa kod Bapske, Opatovca i Šarengrada" (in Croatian). Town of Ilok. Retrieved 18 April 2024.