Papaya lethal yellowing virus

Papaya lethal yellowing virus
Virus classification Edit this classification
(unranked): Virus
Realm: Riboviria
Kingdom: Orthornavirae
Phylum: Pisuviricota
Class: Pisoniviricetes
Order: Sobelivirales
Family: Solemoviridae
Genus: Sobemovirus
Papaya lethal yellowing virus
Carica papaya MS4113 (non-diseased)

Papaya Lethal Yellowing Virus (PLYV) is an isometric viral plant pathogen, tentatively assigned to the genus Sobemovirus,[1] that causes lethal yellowing disease of the papaya plant.[2]

The virus infects only Carica papaya, Jacaratia heterophylla, J. spinosa, Vasconcellea cauliflora, V. monoica and V. quercifolia, all from the papaya family Caricaceae.[3] It is only found in Northeastern Brazil and has no confirmed biological vectors.[4] PLYV consists of a 36 kDa capsid protein[3] and a single-stranded RNA genome 4145 nt in length,[1] and causes progressive leaf yellowing and greenish circular spots on the fruits.[4] Control of this virus is of economic importance in Northeast Brazil, as 60% of Brazil’s papaya production occurs there.[5]

  1. ^ a b Pereira, AJ; Alfenas-Zerbini, P; Cascardo, RS; Andrade, EC; Murilo Zerbini, F (2012). "Analysis of the full-length genome sequence of papaya lethal yellowing virus (PLYV), determined by deep sequencing, confirms its classification in the genus Sobemovirus". Archives of Virology. 157 (10): 2009–2011. doi:10.1007/s00705-012-1384-x. PMID 22743825. S2CID 16080956.
  2. ^ Silva, A.M.R.; Kitajima, E.W.; Souza, M.V.; Resende, R. (1997). "Papaya lethal yellowing virus: a possible member of the Tombusvirus genus". Fitopatologia Brasileira (22): 529–534.
  3. ^ a b Lima, J.A.A.; Nascimento, A. K. Q.; Lima, R. C. A.; Purcifull, D. E. (2012). "Papaya lethal yellowing virus". The Plant Health Instructor. doi:10.1094/PHI-I-2013-0123-01.
  4. ^ a b Nascimento, A.K.Q.; Lima, J.A.A.; Nascimento, A.L.L.; Beserra, E.A. Jr; Purcifull, D.E. (22 June 2010). "Biological, physical, and molecular properties of a Papaya lethal yellowing virus isolate". Plant Disease. 94 (10): 1206–1210. doi:10.1094/PDIS-11-09-0733. PMID 30743613.
  5. ^ Daltro, Cleidiane B. Daltro; Álvaro J. Pereira; Renan S. Cascardo; Poliane Alfenas-Zerbini; José Evando A. Bezerra-Junior; José Albérsio A. Lima; Francisco Murilo Zerbini; Eduardo C. Andrade (2012). "Genetic variability of papaya lethal yellowing virus isolates from Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte states, Brazil" (PDF). Tropical Plant Pathology. 37 (1): 37–43. doi:10.1590/s1982-56762012000100004.