Parabrachial nuclei

Parabrachial nuclei
Parabrachial nucleus at N.0 3
Part ofBrainstem
PartsMedial parabrachial nucleus, lateral parabrachial nucleus, subparabrachial nucleus
Latinnuclei parabrachiales
NeuroLex IDnlx_23647
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The parabrachial nuclei, also known as the parabrachial complex, are a group of nuclei in the dorsolateral pons that surrounds the superior cerebellar peduncle as it enters the brainstem from the cerebellum. They are named from the Latin term for the superior cerebellar peduncle, the brachium conjunctivum. In the human brain, the expansion of the superior cerebellar peduncle expands the parabrachial nuclei, which form a thin strip of grey matter over most of the peduncle. The parabrachial nuclei are typically divided along the lines suggested by Baxter and Olszewski in humans, into a medial parabrachial nucleus and lateral parabrachial nucleus.[1] These have in turn been subdivided into a dozen subnuclei: the superior, dorsal, ventral, internal, external and extreme lateral subnuclei; the lateral crescent and subparabrachial nucleus (Kolliker-Fuse nucleus) along the ventrolateral margin of the lateral parabrachial complex; and the medial and external medial subnuclei[2][3]

  1. ^ Olszewski, J (1954). Cytoarchitecture of the Human Brainstem. Lippincott. pp. 1–199.
  2. ^ Fulwiler, C. E.; Saper, C. B. (1984-08-01). "Subnuclear organization of the efferent connections of the parabrachial nucleus in the rat". Brain Research. 319 (3): 229–259. doi:10.1016/0165-0173(84)90012-2. ISSN 0006-8993. PMID 6478256. S2CID 13253760.
  3. ^ Yokota, Shigefumi; Kaur, Satvinder; VanderHorst, Veronique G.; Saper, Clifford B.; Chamberlin, Nancy L. (2015-04-15). "Respiratory-related outputs of glutamatergic, hypercapnia-responsive parabrachial neurons in mice". The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 523 (6): 907–920. doi:10.1002/cne.23720. ISSN 1096-9861. PMC 4329052. PMID 25424719.