Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome

Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome
SymptomsRed, irritated, and painful eye; fever; general lack of well-being; swelling of nearby lymph glands; increased tearing
Usual onsetVaries based on underlying cause
DurationVaries based on underlying cause and treatment
CausesMost commonly caused by cat-scratch disease; occasionally caused by other infections
Risk factorsExposure to cats, especially kittens; cat scratches or bites
Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms, clinical findings, and patient history; can include serology, culture, and PCR tests
PreventionAvoiding cat scratches or bites; proper hygiene when handling cats
TreatmentPrimarily involves treating the underlying cause
MedicationDepends on the underlying cause
PrognosisVaries depending on the underlying cause and the patient's overall health

Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome (POS) is a medical condition characterized by a specific set of symptoms affecting the eye and nearby lymph nodes. Named after the French ophthalmologist Henri Parinaud, it should not be confused with the neurological syndrome caused by a lesion in the midbrain which is also known as Parinaud's syndrome. Both were named after the same person, Henri Parinaud.[citation needed]