Park, Lewis

Monument to the Deer Raiders, Park

Park (Scottish Gaelic: A' Phàirc), also known as South Lochs, is a huge area of land connected to the rest of Lewis only by a narrow neck between Loch Seaforth and Loch Erisort. This had a wall called Gàrradh an Tighearna ("The Laird's Dyke") built across it by the Earl of Seaforth in the early 17th century, the outline of which can still be seen.

Only the north of Park is now inhabited: settlements in the south were cleared by Sir James Matheson in the nineteenth century. A famous deer raid took place here in 1887 as a demonstration by starving people, commemorated by a broch resembling a cairn at the Eishken junction. Much of this area is still used for deer stalking.