Parotid fascia

Parotid fascia
LatinFascia parotidea
Anatomical terminology

The parotid fascia (or parotid capsule[1]) is a tough[2] fascia enclosing the parotid gland.[1][2][3] It has a superficial layer and a deep layer.[1]

Current scientific knowledge regards the superficial layer to be continuous with the fascia of the platysma, and the deep layer to be derived from the deep cervical fascia.[1]

Previously, both layers were thought to derive from the deep cervical fascia which was thought to form the parotid fascia by extending superior-ward and splitting into the superficial layer and deep layer. The superficial layer was traditionally described as attaching superiorly to the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, the cartilaginous portion of the external acoustic meatus, and the mastoid process of the temporal bone; the deep layer was described as attaching superiorly to the mandible, and the tympanic plate, styloid process and mastoid process of the temporal bone.[1]

  1. ^ a b c d e Standring, Susan (2020). Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice (42nd ed.). [New York]. pp. 608–609. ISBN 978-0-7020-7707-4. OCLC 1201341621.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  2. ^ a b Waschke, Jens; Böckers, Tobias M.; Paulsen, Friedrich; Arnold, Wolfgang; Bechmann, Ingo, eds. (2018). Sobotta Anatomy Textbook: English Edition with Latin Nomenclature (1st ed.). München: Elsevier. p. 527. ISBN 978-0-7020-6760-0.
  3. ^ "fascia parotidea". Retrieved 2023-06-23.