Partial fraction decomposition

In algebra, the partial fraction decomposition or partial fraction expansion of a rational fraction (that is, a fraction such that the numerator and the denominator are both polynomials) is an operation that consists of expressing the fraction as a sum of a polynomial (possibly zero) and one or several fractions with a simpler denominator.[1]

The importance of the partial fraction decomposition lies in the fact that it provides algorithms for various computations with rational functions, including the explicit computation of antiderivatives,[2] Taylor series expansions, inverse Z-transforms, and inverse Laplace transforms. The concept was discovered independently in 1702 by both Johann Bernoulli and Gottfried Leibniz.[3]

In symbols, the partial fraction decomposition of a rational fraction of the form where f and g are polynomials, is the expression of the rational fraction as

where p(x) is a polynomial, and, for each j, the denominator gj (x) is a power of an irreducible polynomial (that is not factorable into polynomials of positive degrees), and the numerator fj (x) is a polynomial of a smaller degree than the degree of this irreducible polynomial.

When explicit computation is involved, a coarser decomposition is often preferred, which consists of replacing "irreducible polynomial" by "square-free polynomial" in the description of the outcome. This allows replacing polynomial factorization by the much easier-to-compute square-free factorization. This is sufficient for most applications, and avoids introducing irrational coefficients when the coefficients of the input polynomials are integers or rational numbers.

  1. ^ Larson, Ron (2016). Algebra & Trigonometry. Cengage Learning. ISBN 9781337271172.
  2. ^ Horowitz, Ellis. "Algorithms for partial fraction decomposition and rational function integration." Proceedings of the second ACM symposium on Symbolic and algebraic manipulation. ACM, 1971.
  3. ^ Grosholz, Emily (2000). The Growth of Mathematical Knowledge. Kluwer Academic Publilshers. p. 179. ISBN 978-90-481-5391-6.