Parul Mukherjee

Mukherjee in the 1930s

Parul Mukherjee (1915 – 1990) was an Indian revolutionary active in the Indian independence movement in the early 20th century. Mukherjee was an influential member of the revolutionary organisation Anushilan Samiti, with which she partook in militant activities and helped recruit new members. She was particularly important in strengthening the women's wing of Anushilan Samiti through efforts such as recruitment, the organisation of study circles and the teaching of self-defence techniques.

Mukherjee was arrested in Titagarh on 20 January 1935 after being caught in a house with other revolutionaries and explosives. She spent four years in prison, being released in 1939 as part of a general amnesty for political prisoners. After her release, Mukherjee retired from public life. In the aftermath of the partition of India, she became the supporter of a refugee colony in Kolkata, where she stood vigil and established schools.