Path 61

Path 61 or the Lugo - Victorville 500 kV Line is a relatively short AC 500 kV power line that runs from Southern California Edison's (SCE) Lugo substation southwest of Hesperia to Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's (LADW&P) Victorville substation north of Victorville, California.[1] Path 61 is part of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council's links of electrical intertie paths in the western United States.This line is an important connection between two out of the four parts that make up the massive Path 46 transmission system in southeast California since the line allows power flow to be rerouted on Path 46 when necessary.[1] Half of the length of the 500 kV power line is owned by SCE to the south and LADW&P to the north.[1] The entire line is located in the Mojave Desert and the High Desert regions of California.[2]

  1. ^ a b c Paths 61-70, Western Electricity Coordinating Council, 2006
  2. ^ Route descriptions and tower designs are based on Google Earth images.