Paths of Glory (board game)

Paths of Glory
The First World War, 1914–1918
Game cover, featuring the names of several battles of the war, such as the battles of Verdun and Passchendaele
DesignersTed Raicer
IllustratorsMark Simonitch
PublishersGMT Games
Setup time15–30 minutes
Playing time6–14 hours
ChanceSome (card drawing, and die rolls for combat)
Age range14+
Card management

Paths of Glory: The First World War, 1914–1918 is a strategy board wargame, designed in 1999 by the six-time Charles S. Roberts Awards winner Ted Raicer and published by GMT Games. It covers World War I from its outbreak to the 1918 Armistice, or based on the progress of the game a hypothetical later ending of the war in early 1919, possibly due to exhaustion of Europe. The game is played on a map of Europe and the Middle East as the game board.