Paulovits's game

10a10 black rookb10 black knightc10 black bishopd10 black upside-down bishope10 black upside-down kingf10 black queeng10 black kingh10 black bishopi10 black knightj10 black rook10
9a9 black pawnb9 black pawnc9 black pawnd9 black pawne9 black pawnf9 black pawng9 black pawnh9 black pawni9 black pawnj9 black pawn9
2a2 white pawnb2 white pawnc2 white pawnd2 white pawne2 white pawnf2 white pawng2 white pawnh2 white pawni2 white pawnj2 white pawn2
1a1 white rookb1 white knightc1 white bishopd1 white upside-down bishope1 white upside-down kingf1 white queeng1 white kingh1 white bishopi1 white knightj1 white rook1
Starting position

Paulovits's game is a chess variant on a 10×10 chess board, designed by István Paulovits, around 1890. It was described in the book Dames de Paulovits and in the Classified Encyclopedia of Chess Variants (2007). Paulovits's game differs from western chess in that two new ranks are introduced in between the armies and two new files in between the queen's bishop and the queen. The new files hold respectively a pasha and a general with a pawn in front. The general and pasha both have about the same value as a rook.