Pawnbrokers Act 2015

Pawnbrokers Act 2015
Parliament of Singapore
  • An Act to repeal and re-enact the Pawnbrokers Act (Chapter 222 of the 1994 Revised Edition) and to make consequential amendments to certain other written laws, essentially an Act relating to pawnbrokers.
Enacted byParliament of Singapore
Enacted19 January 2015
Assented to16 February 2015
Commenced1 April 2015
Pawnbrokers Act 1994
Status: In force

The Pawnbrokers Act 2015 is a statute of the Parliament of Singapore that relates to pawnbrokers. The 2015 Act repeals and re-enacts the Pawnbrokers Act (Chapter 222 of the 1994 Revised Edition) and also makes consequential amendments to certain other written laws.