Peary (crater)

Shaded relief map, based on the LRO laser altimetry data. Peary is the large crater at center; north pole is situated on its northern (upper) rim
Coordinates88°38′N 24°24′E / 88.63°N 24.4°E / 88.63; 24.4
Diameter79 km
Depth1.5 km
Colongitude25° at sunrise
EponymRobert Peary
The crater area (at the top) in selenochromatic Image (Si). More infos here :
Lunar Orbiter 4 image
False color elevation map of Peary Crater, based on topographical data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) laser altimeter.

Peary is the closest large lunar impact crater to the lunar north pole. At this latitude the crater interior receives little sunlight, and portions of the southernmost region of the crater floor remain permanently cloaked in shadow. From the Earth the crater appears on the northern lunar limb, and is seen from the side.