Peire d'Alvernhe

Peire d'Alvernhe as an old man.

Peire d'Alvernhe or d'Alvernha[1] (Pèire in modern Occitan; b. c. 1130) was an Auvergnat troubadour (active 1149–1170) with twenty-one[2] or twenty-four[3][4] surviving works. He composed in an "esoteric" and "formally complex" style known as the trobar clus. He stands out as the earliest troubadour mentioned by name in Dante's Divine Comedy.[2][4]

  1. ^ In French his name is Pierre d'Auvergne.
  2. ^ a b Gaunt and Kay, 287.
  3. ^ Egan, 72.
  4. ^ a b Aubrey, The Music of the Troubadours, 8.