People's Deputy of Ukraine

People's Deputy of Ukraine
Activity sectors
Related jobs
Government official, President of Ukraine

A People's Deputy of Ukraine (Ukrainian: народний депутат України, romanizednarodnyi deputat Ukrainy) is a member of parliament and legislator elected by a popular vote to the Verkhovna Rada (the parliament of Ukraine). People's Deputies of Ukraine are often referred to simply as the "deputies"; however, regular deputies are members of regional and local councils, while people's deputies are elected to the national parliament, Verkhovna Rada. Prior to 1991, the Verkhovna Rada was named the Supreme Council of People's Deputies of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

The main statutes that define the order of elections, rights and duties of the People's Deputies of Ukraine are outlined in Articles 76 - 81 of the Constitution of Ukraine. There are 450 people's deputies of Ukraine who are elected based on the general, equal and direct electoral right. The deputies may be appointed to various parliamentary positions such as the chairperson (speaker) of the Verkhovna Rada, a head of a committee or a parliamentary faction, etc. Upon their appointment to office each People's Deputy of Ukraine receives a deputy mandate.

People's Deputies that ran for the Verkhovna Rada as self-nominated candidates can join factions if they wish.[1]

Since 2016, in line with new anti-corruption regulations, all senior public officials (thus including People's Deputies) must declare their wealth in an electronic database.[2]