Periodical Press Galleries of the United States Congress

The Periodical Press Galleries (PPG), along with the Daily Press Galleries, Radio and Television Galleries, and Senate Press Photographers’ Gallery, comprise the four media galleries of the United States Congress. The United States Congress is the only legislature to divide its media into distinct press galleries.[1] Collectively known as the Periodical Press Galleries, the PPG maintain two separate offices in the House and Senate wings of the Capitol in order to “assist Members of Congress, Congressional staff, and bona fide correspondents covering Congress, with media logistics and press-related concerns.”[2][3]

The House Periodical Press Gallery operates under Rule VI of the Rules of the House of Representatives, and the Senate Periodical Press Gallery under Rule XXXIII of the Standing Rules of the United States Senate. Under these rules, the Speaker of the House and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration maintain final authority over all the press galleries.

  1. ^ Ritchie, Donald. Press Gallery: Congress and the Washington Correspondents. Harvard University Press, 1991.
  2. ^ About the Gallery. House Periodical Press Gallery
  3. ^ About the Senate Periodical Press Gallery. Senate Periodical Press Gallery