Petrus Pisanus

Petrus Pisanus[1] (died in 1145 or later) was a Roman Catholic Cardinal. He began his career in papal service as a scriptor in the chancellery. He was appointed Deacon of San Giorgio in Velabro, and then promoted Cardinal-priest of Santa Susanna. He served briefly as papal legate in Corsica, before becoming a permanent member of the papal court. He participated in the papal elections of 1118, 1124, and 1130. In 1130, he chose to support the Obedience of Anacletus II rather than that of Innocent II. After Anacletus died in 1138, he joined the Obedience of Innocent II, and survived the purge of 1139.

  1. ^ Ciaconius (Alfonso Chacón), in: Vitae et res gestae Pontificum romanorum et S.R.E. Cardinalium second ed. (ed. Augustinus Olduin) Tomus I (Rome: Filippo and Antonio Rossi 1677), p. 918, says that Petrus was "Petrus Gerardescus ex Comitibus Donaritici de Natalico, nobilis Pisanus". There is no evidence for the assertion. Cf. Maria Luisa Ceccarelli Lemut, "La Maremma populoniese nel Medioevo," (in Italian) in: Giovanna Bianchi (2003), Campiglia. Un castello e il suo territorio. I. Ricerca storica. II. Indagine archeologica, (Firenze: All’Insegna del Giglio 2003), pp. 1-110, esp. p. 14 Tavola VI.