
In Greek mythology, the Phonoi (Ancient Greek: Φόνοι, lit.'Murders, Slaughterings', from the plural of φόνος)[1] are collectively the personification of murder. In Hesiod's Theogony, the Phonoi are listed among the children of Eris (Strife).[2] The Phonoi are named in line 228 of the Theogony, which lists four personified plural abstractions, the Hysminai (Combats), the Machai (Battles), the Phonoi (Murders), and the Androktasiai (Slaughters), as being among the offspring of Eris (Strife):

Ὑσμίνας τε Μάχας τε Φόνους τ’ Ἀνδροκτασίας τε[3]

The nearly identical line, listing the same four abstractions (without capitalizations, and with different case endings), in the same order, occurs in Homer's Odyssey, where Odysseus describes the decorations on Heracles' golden belt:

ὑσμῖναί τε μάχαι τε φόνοι τ᾿ ἀνδροκτασίαι τε.[4]

Like all of the children of Eris given by Hesiod, the Phonoi are a personified abstraction, allegorizing the meaning of their name, and representing one of the many harmful things which might be thought to result from discord and strife, with no other identity.[5]

  1. ^ 'Phonoi' is variously translated as 'Murders' (Most, p. 21; Hard, p. 31; Caldwell, p. 42 on 212–232), or 'Slaughterings' (Gantz, p. 10); LSJ s.v. φόνος.
  2. ^ Hesiod, Theogony 228 (Caldwell, p. 43).
  3. ^ Hesiod, Theogony 228.
  4. ^ West, p. 231 on 228; Homer, Odyssey 11.612.
  5. ^ Hard, p. 31; Gantz, p. 10.