Photo album

A photo album

A photographic album or photo album, is a series of photographic prints collected by an individual person or family in the form of a book.[1][2][3] Some book-form photo albums have compartments which the photos may be slipped into; other albums have heavy paper with an abrasive surface covered with clear plastic sheets, on which surface photos can be put.[4] Older style albums often were simply books of heavy paper on which photos could be glued to or attached to with adhesive corners or pages.[4]

  1. ^ O'Hagan, Sean (14 June 2011). "Album of the years: can photo albums survive the digital age?". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-07-19.
  2. ^ Clark, Tim. "The Vanishing Art of the Family Photo Album". Time. Retrieved 2018-07-19.
  3. ^ Hewitt, Michael (5 March 2011). "The rise and rise of family photographs". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-07-19.
  4. ^ a b Barbieri, Annalisa (17 February 2007). "Annalisa Barbieri: Photo albums for all occasions". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-07-19.