Photorefractive effect

The photorefractive effect is a nonlinear optical effect seen in certain crystals and other materials that respond to light by altering their refractive index.[1] The effect can be used to store temporary, erasable holograms and is useful for holographic data storage.[2][3] It can also be used to create a phase-conjugate mirror or an optical spatial soliton.

  1. ^ J. Frejlich (2007). Photorefractive materials: fundamental concepts, holographic recording and materials characterization. ISBN 978-0-471-74866-3.
  2. ^ Peter Günter, Jean-Pierre Huignard, ed. (2007). Photorefractive materials and their applications. ISBN 978-0-387-34443-0.
  3. ^ Pochi Yeh (1993). Introduction to photorefractive nonlinear optics. Wiley series in pure and applied optics. ISBN 0-471-58692-7.