Pictures of the Year International

Pictures of the Year International

Pictures of the Year International (POYi) is a professional development program for visual journalists run on a non-profit basis by the Missouri School of Journalism's Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. POYi began as an annual competition for photojournalism in 1944. POYi promotes the work of documentary photographers and magazine, newspaper, and freelance photojournalists.[1][2]

POYi's projects have included the Pictures of the Year International Competition, an annual contest for documentary photographers and photojournalists; career-development symposiums and visual workshops for professionals and college students; Visions of Excellence, a series of exhibitions of award-winning photography; and the POYi Archive, comprising over 38,000 historic photographs.

  1. ^ "Pictures of the Year International". Retrieved 16 June 2016.
  2. ^ "POY – 76th Annual Pictures of the Year International Competition | Photo Contest Deadlines - 2020 Photography Competitions List". Retrieved 2020-11-01.