
Pierius was a Christian priest and probably head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria, conjointly with Achillas. He flourished while Theonas was bishop of Alexandria, and died at Rome after 309. The Roman Martyrology commemorates him on 4 November.

His skill as an exegetical writer and as a preacher gained for him the appellation, "Origen the Younger".[1] Philip of Side, Photius, and others assert that he was a martyr. However, since Jerome assures us that he survived the Diocletianic Persecution and spent the rest of his life at Rome,[1] the term "martyr" can only mean that he underwent sufferings, not death, for his faith.

  1. ^ a b Jerome, de Viris Illustribus 76. Online in the NPNF translation at CCEL.org. Accessed 31 January 2010.