Pinch analysis

Temperature vs. heat load diagram of hot stream (H2O entering at 20 bar, 473.15 K, and 4 kg/s) and cold stream (R-11 entering at 18 bar, 303.15 K, and 5 kg/s) in a counter-flow heat exchanger. "Pinch" is the point of closest approach between the hot and cold streams in the T vs. H diagram. Note: this diagram is incorrect; the hot stream should lie above and to the left of the cold stream.
Temperature profiles (temperature vs. distance diagram) of hot stream (flowing from left to right) and cold stream (flowing from right to left) in counter-flow heat exchanger of above case.

Pinch analysis is a methodology for minimising energy consumption of chemical processes by calculating thermodynamically feasible energy targets (or minimum energy consumption) and achieving them by optimising heat recovery systems, energy supply methods and process operating conditions. It is also known as process integration, heat integration, energy integration or pinch technology.

The process data is represented as a set of energy flows, or streams, as a function of heat load (product of specific enthalpy and mass flow rate; SI unit W) against temperature (SI unit K). These data are combined for all the streams in the plant to give composite curves, one for all hot streams (releasing heat) and one for all cold streams (requiring heat). The point of closest approach between the hot and cold composite curves is the pinch point (or just pinch) with a hot stream pinch temperature and a cold stream pinch temperature. This is where the design is most constrained. Hence, by finding this point and starting the design there, the energy targets can be achieved using heat exchangers to recover heat between hot and cold streams in two separate systems, one for temperatures above pinch temperatures and one for temperatures below pinch temperatures. In practice, during the pinch analysis of an existing design, often cross-pinch exchanges of heat are found between a hot stream with its temperature above the pinch and a cold stream below the pinch. Removal of those exchangers by alternative matching makes the process reach its energy target.