Pithapuram Estate

Zamindari Estate
Rao Venkata Kumara Mahipati Surya Rao, Last Zamindar of the Estate
Rao Venkata Kumara Mahipati Surya Rao, Last Zamindar of the Estate
Number of Villages:128 Villages(by 1802)

Pithapuram Zamindari was a Zamindari in the East Godavari district of Madras Presidency.[1] In 1802, Pithapuram was overshadowed by the renowned Peddapuram estate. But, in 1843, all other villages of Peddapuram were lost except Kottam and they were left with only 36 villages. In this period, Pithapuram gained prominence purchased some estates of Peddapuram like Thotapalle Estate. By 1874-1875 this estate had a revenue of Rs 5 lakhs and paid a tribute of Rs 2.5 lakhs.[2] The Pitapuram Raja sponsored the monumental classical Telugu dictionary Sri Suryarayandhra Nighantuvu and commissioned the first typewriter in Telugu.[3]

  1. ^ "Pithapuram Zamindari being the largest in Godavari district". 1915.
  2. ^ "Revenue of Pithapuram Estate". 1878.
  3. ^ Blackburn, Stuart H.; Dalmia, Vasudha (2004). India's Literary History: Essays on the Nineteenth Century. Orient Blackswan. p. 157. ISBN 978-81-7824-056-5.