Player versus environment

Player versus environment (PvE, also known as player versus monster (PvM) and commonly misinterpreted as player versus entity) is a term used for both single player and online games, particularly MMORPGs, CORPGs, MUDs, other online role-playing video games and survival games to refer to fighting computer-controlled enemies[1] - in contrast to PvP (player versus player) which is fighting other players in the game.[2] In survival games a large part may be fighting the elements, controlling hunger and thirst, learning to adapt to the environment and exploration.[citation needed]

Usually a PvE mode can be played alone, with human companions or with AI companions. The PvE mode may contain a storyline that is narrated as the player progresses through missions. It may also contain missions that may be done in any order.

  1. ^ Bartle, Richard (2003). Designing Virtual Worlds. New Riders. p. 406. ISBN 0-13-101816-7. Player versus Environment (PvE). Players are opposed by the environment - that is, the virtual world. In a combat situation, this means player characters (PCs) fight monsters.
  2. ^ "PvP and PvE in MMO Games – What's the Difference?". Retrieved 28 June 2020.