Point Tarock

Point Tarock
A "spiced up" version of the classic game Tapp Tarock
Austrian-style 54-card Tarock hand.
SkillsTactics, Strategy
DeckIndustrie und Glück
Rank (high→low)Trumps: Sküs, XXI-I
K Q C J 10 9 8 7
K Q C J 1 2 3 4[1]
Playing time20 min.
Related games
Illustrated Tarock • Tapp Tarock

Point Tarock was a three-player tarot card game, played mainly in Austria, which used the 54-card Industrie und Glück deck. It is probably extinct. Furr describes it as being "identical to Tapp but for the addition of a special announcement, allowing a Declarer to capitalize on a very good hand... spicing up the game considerably."[2] Point Tarock is sometimes confused with its close cousin, Illustrated Tarock.

  1. ^ Dummett 1980a, pp. 440r.
  2. ^ Furr 2009, p. 90.