Pointer machine

In theoretical computer science, a pointer machine is an atomistic abstract computational machine whose storage structure is a graph. A pointer algorithm could also be an algorithm restricted to the pointer machine model.[1]

Some particular types of pointer machines are called a linking automaton, a KU-machine, an SMM, an atomistic LISP machine, a tree-pointer machine, etc.[2]

Pointer machines do not have arithmetic instructions. Computation proceeds only by reading input symbols, modifying and doing various tests on its storage structure—the pattern of nodes and pointers, and outputting symbols based on the tests. In this sense, the model is similar to the Turing machine.

  1. ^ Cloteaux, Brian; Ranjan, Desh (2006). "Some Separation Results Between Classes of Pointer Algorithms".
  2. ^ Amir Ben-Amram (1995). What is a "Pointer machine"?, SIGACT News (ACM Special Interest Group on Automata and Computability Theory), volume 26, 1995.