Popo Agie Formation

Popo Agie Formation
Stratigraphic range: Late Triassic
TypeGeological formation
Unit ofChugwater Group
OverliesGartra Formation
RegionNorth America
CountryUnited States

The Popo Agie Formation is a Triassic geologic formation that crops out in western Wyoming, western Colorado, and Utah. It was deposited during the Late Triassic in fluvial (river) and lacustrine (lake) environments that existed across much of what is now the American southwest.[1] Fragmentary fossils of prehistoric reptiles and amphibians, including pseudosuchian reptiles and temnospondyl amphibians, have been discovered in the Popo Agie Formation. Dinosaur remains are also among the fossils that have been recovered from the formation, although none have yet been referred to a specific genus.[2]

  1. ^ High, L.R.; Hepp, D.M.; Clark, T.; Picard, M.D. (1969). "Stratigraphy of Popo Agie Formation (Late Triassic), Uinta Mountain Area, Utah and Colorado". Geologic Guidebook of the Uinta Mountains: Utah's Maverick Range (Sixteenth Annual Field Conference ed.). Utah Geological Association. pp. 181–192.
  2. ^ Weishampel, et al. (2004). "Dinosaur distribution." Pp. 517-607.