Population exchange between Poland and Soviet Lithuania

The population exchange between Poland and Soviet Lithuania at the end of World War II (1944-1947) was based on an agreement signed on 9 September 1944 by the Lithuanian SSR with the newly-formed Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN). It stipulated the resettlement of ethnic Lithuanians from Poland to Lithuania and of ethnic Poles and Jews who had Polish citizenship before 17 September 1939 (date of the Soviet Invasion of Poland) from Lithuania to Poland, in accordance with the resolutions of the Yalta and Tehran conferences and the plans about the new Lithuania–Poland border.[1] Similar agreements were signed with the Ukrainian SSR (see Population exchange between Poland and Soviet Ukraine) and the Byelorussian SSR (see Population exchange between Poland and Soviet Belarus); the three documents are commonly known as the Republican Agreements [pl].[2]

  1. ^ "Переселение белорусов из Польши и Полесская область (1944-1947 гг.)"
  2. ^ А. Вялікі A. “Зыход” або перасяленне польскага насельніцтва з Гродна ў Польшчу ў 1944-1946 гг. In: Гісторыя і памяць. XV-XX стст. Матэрыялы міжнароднай навуковай канферэнцыі (Гародня, 9-10 лістапада 2013 г.), / Пад. Рэд. А.К. Краўцэвіча і А.Ф. Смалянчука, Гародня 2014. pp. 304-312.