Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Exodus 31


God informs Moses that God has endowed Bezalel of the Tribe of Judah with divine skill in every kind of craft. God assigns to him Aholiab of the Tribe of Dan and grants skill to all who are skillful, that they might make the furnishings of the Tabernacle, the priests’ vestments, the anointing oil, and the incense. God tells Moses to admonish the Israelites nevertheless to keep the Sabbaths, on pain of death. Then God gives Moses two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God.

PEOPLE: יהוה‎ YHVH - Moses - Bezalel - Aholiab - Aaron - children of Israel

PLACES: Biblical Mount Sinai

RELATED ARTICLES: Ki Tisa - Uri - Hur - tribe of Judah - spirit of God - gold - silver - brass - Ahisamach - tribe of Dan - tabernacle - Ark of the Covenant - mercy seat - menorah - altar - laver - Kohen - oil - incense - Sabbath - capital punishment - tablets of stone

ENGLISH TEXT: American Standard - Douay-Rheims - Free - King James - Jewish Publication Society - Tyndale - World English - Wycliffe