
Historical 1


World map from the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum
World map from the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum
Credit: Abraham Ortelius
World map from the first modern atlas by Ortelius - Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1570

Historical 2


Africae tabula nova, 1570
Africae tabula nova, 1570
Credit: Abraham Ortelius
Africae tabula nova, 1570.

Historical 3


Europe at the death of Charlemagne in 814
Europe at the death of Charlemagne in 814
Credit: Samuel Rawson Gardiner
Europe at the death of Charlemagne in 814.

Historical 4


Worldmap from the Portolan Atlas by Battista Agnese, 1544
Worldmap from the Portolan Atlas by Battista Agnese, 1544
Credit: Battista Agnese, Library of Congress
Worldmap from a portolan atlas showing the route that Magellan took around the world and the route from Cadiz, Spain, to Peru, 1544.

Historical 5


Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula, 1635
Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula, 1635
Credit: Willem Blaeu
Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula, from Atlas Novus, 1635.

Historical 6


Carte d'Amérique, 1774
Carte d'Amérique, 1774
Credit: Guillaume Delisle
Carte d'Amérique, 1774.

Historical 7


Celestial map from the 17th century
Celestial map from the 17th century
Credit: Frederik de Wit
Celestial map from the 17th century.

Historical 8


Map of Asia, 1892
Map of Asia, 1892
Credit: Rand, McNally & Co., University of Texas
Map of Asia, 1892.

Historical 9


South China Sea, 1906
South China Sea, 1906
Credit: Justhus Perthes See Atlas
Map of the South China Sea, including inset maps of the Singapore Strait, Jokohama, Batavia and the Sunda Strait, 1906.

Historical 10


The British Empire, 1897
The British Empire, 1897
Credit: Nickshanks
Map of the world from 1897. The British Empire (marked in pink) was the superpower of the 19th century.

Historical 11


Ursa Major
Ursa Major
Credit: Reverend Richard Rouse Bloxam, Sidney Hall (etcher), Library of Congress, Trialsanderrors
Astronomical chart showing a bear forming the constellation Ursa Major, 1825.

Historical 12


Early map of North America
Early map of North America
Credit: Claude Bernou, David.Monniaux
Map of North America during the 17th century.