Posidonius (crater)

Coordinates31°53′N 29°59′E / 31.88°N 29.99°E / 31.88; 29.99
Diameter95 km
Depth2.3 km
Colongitude343° at sunrise
Selenochromatic Image (Si) of crater area
Oblique view of Posidonius from Apollo 15. A tightly convoluted sinuous rille crosses the raised floor of the crater, turns back, and follows the rim to a low point in the western rim.
Part of the sinuous rille in Posidonius (LRO image).

Posidonius is a lunar impact crater that is located on the north-eastern edge of Mare Serenitatis, to the south of Lacus Somniorum. It was named after ancient Greek philosopher and geographer Posidonius of Apamea.[1] The crater Chacornac is attached to the southeast rim, and to the north is Daniell.

Oblique view of Posidonius from Apollo 17. Note that the lava which flooded the crater reached its rim and is clearly above the mare plain to the west (left).
The hill Posidonius γ with the crater Posidonius Y (LRO image).
  1. ^ "Posidonius (crater)". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.