Posterior auricular nerve

Posterior Auricular Nerve
Plan of the facial and intermediate nerves and their communication with other nerves. (Post. auricular br. labeled at bottom left.)
The nerves of the scalp, face, and side of neck. (Post. auricular visible near center, behind ear.)
FromFacial nerve
InnervatesPosterior auricular muscle, occipitalis muscle (posterior part of occipitofrontalis)
Latinn. auricularis posterior
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The posterior auricular nerve is a nerve of the head. It is a branch of the facial nerve (CN VII). It communicates with branches from the vagus nerve, the great auricular nerve, and the lesser occipital nerve. Its auricular branch supplies the posterior auricular muscle, the intrinsic muscles of the auricle, and gives sensation to the auricle. Its occipital branch supplies the occipitalis muscle.