Potato leafhopper

Potato leafhopper
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Suborder: Auchenorrhyncha
Family: Cicadellidae
Genus: Empoasca
E. fabae
Binomial name
Empoasca fabae
(Harris, 1841)
Empoasca fabae, potato leafhopper
Empoasca fabae, potato leafhopper, Size: 3.3 mm

Potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae) belongs to family Cicadellidae and genus Empoasca within order Hemiptera.[1] In North America they are a serious agricultural pest.[2] Every year millions of dollars are lost from reduced crop yields and on pest management.[3] Crops that are impacted the most are potatoes, clover, beans, apples and alfalfa.[4]

  1. ^ ”Lamp, W., D., Miranda, L., Culler & Alexander, L. (2011) “Host Suitability and Gas Exchange Response of Grapevines to Potato Leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)”. Journal of Economic Entomology 104 (4): 1316–1322.
  2. ^ ”Delay, B., P, Mamidala, A, Wijeratne., S, Wijerante, O, Mittapalli, J, Wang., and Lamp, W. (2012). “Transcriptome analysis of the salivary glands of potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae”. Journal of Insect Physiology 58 (12): 1626–1634.
  3. ^ E.A. Backus; M.S. Serrano; C.M. Ranger (2005). "Mechanisms of Hopperburn: An Overview of Insect Taxonomy, Behavior, and Physiology". Annual Review of Entomology. 50 (1): 125–151. doi:10.1146/annurev.ento.49.061802.123310. PMID 15471532.
  4. ^ "Bland R.G., Jaques H.E. (2010). How to Know the Insects 3rd Edition. Waveland Press Inc. p. 163.