Poverty in Germany

In recent decades, poverty in Germany has been increasing. Children are more likely to be poor than adults. There has been a strong increase in the number of poor children. In 1965, only one in 75 children lived on welfare, in 2007 one in 6 did.[1]

Poverty rates differ by states. In 2005, only 6.6% of children and 3.9% of all citizens in states like Bavaria were impoverished. In Berlin, 15.2% of the inhabitants and 30.7% of the children received welfare payments.[2]

The German Kinderhilfswerk, an organization caring for children in need has demanded the government to do something about the poverty problem.

As of 2015, poverty in Germany was at its highest since the German reunification (1990). Some 12.5 million Germans are now classified as poor.[3]

  1. ^ "Sozialhilfe: Kinderarmut nimmt zu". Focus. 15.11.2007.
  2. ^ "Poverty in Germany". World Socialist Website. Retrieved 2014-13-05.
  3. ^ "Poverty in Germany at its highest since reunification". Deutsche Welle. 19 February 2015. Retrieved 19 March 2022.