Pr:YLF laser

Pr:YLF laser lasing at 523 nm. The Pr:YLF crystal fluoresces white. The intracavity beam can be seen through rayleigh scattering because of its high intensity.

A Pr:YLF laser (or Pr3+:LiYF4 laser) is a solid state laser that uses a praseodymium doped yttrium-lithium-fluoride crystal as its gain medium. The first Pr:YLF laser was built in 1977 and emitted pulses at 479 nm.[1] Pr:YLF lasers can emit in many different wavelengths in the visible spectrum of light, making them potentially interesting for RGB applications and materials processing. Notable emission wavelengths are 479 nm, 523 nm, 607 nm and 640 nm.

  1. ^ Esterowitz, L.; Allen, R.; Kruer, M.; Bartoli, F.; Goldberg, L. S.; Jenssen, H. P.; Linz, A.; Nicolai, V. O. (2008-08-26). "Blue light emission by a Pr : LiYF4 − laser operated at room temperature". Journal of Applied Physics. 48 (2): 650. doi:10.1063/1.323648. ISSN 0021-8979.