Presidency of Collor de Mello

Collor de Mello
Presidency of Collor de Mello
15 March 1990 – 29 December 1992
Vice President
SeatAlvorada Palace

Standard of the president

The Collor government, also referred to as the Collor Era, was a period in Brazilian political history that began with the inauguration of President Fernando Collor de Mello on March 15, 1990, and ended with his resignation from the presidency on December 29, 1992. Fernando Collor was the first president elected by the people since 1960, when Jânio Quadros won the last direct election for president before the beginning of the Military Dictatorship.[1] His removal from office on October 2, 1992, was a consequence of his impeachment proceedings the day before,[2][3] followed by cassation.[4]

At the time, the national media also referred to the government by República das Alagoas (English: Republic of Alagoas). "It was synonymous for trouble. Journalists love labels, and that one seemed perfect," Ricardo Motta recalls.[5]

The Collor administration registered a 2.06% retraction in GDP and a 6.97% retraction in per capita income.[6]

Among the main laws sanctioned, the following can be cited: Consumer Defense Code (1990), Statute of the Child and Adolescent (1990), Law of the Legal Regime of Public Service Employees (1990), SUS Law (1990), Rouanet Law (1991), Law of Administrative Improbity (1992).[7][8]

  1. ^ "Primeiro presidente eleito após regime militar, Collor adota plano para matar inflação 'com um só tiro'". Agência Senado. 2010-03-24. Retrieved 2023-04-19.
  2. ^ "Impeachment de Collor faz 20 anos; relembre fatos que levaram à queda". 2012-09-28.
  3. ^ "Biblioteca da Presidência da República - Fernando Collor". Archived from the original on 2013-10-03. Retrieved 2013-06-10.
  4. ^ "Relembre o impeachment do presidente Fernando Collor, o 'caçador de marajás'". 2013-07-28.
  5. ^ Motta, Ricardo (2012-09-29). "Há 20 anos ruiu a República das Alagoas". Archived from the original on 2015-11-25. Retrieved 2015-11-24.
  6. ^ "GDP growth (annual %) - Brazil". Retrieved 2017-06-16.
  7. ^ "Collor ressalta importância de leis que sancionou como presidente da República". Agência Senado. 2008-06-24. Retrieved 2023-04-19.
  8. ^ "Implantado por Collor, SUS faz 32 anos com mais de 91 bi de atendimentos". 2022-09-20. Retrieved 2023-04-19.