President of the Executive Council of SAP Kosovo

President of the Executive Council of Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo
First holderFadil Hoxha
Final holderJusuf Zejnullahu
Abolished5 July 1990
SuccessionPrime Minister of Kosovo

The President of the Executive Council of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo (Serbo-Croatian: Predsjednik Izvršnog vijeća Socijalističke Autonomne Pokrajine Kosovo, Albanian: Kryetari i Këshillit Ekzekutiv të Krahinës Socialiste Autonome të Kosovës) was the executive body of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo responsible for provincial affairs and for supervising the implementation of laws from 1945 to 1990.[1][2]

  1. ^ "Закон о престанку рада Скупштине САП Косово и Извршног већа Скупштине САП Косово" (Службени гласник СРС, бр. 33/90)" [Law on the Termination of the Assembly of SAP Kosovo and the Executive Council of the Assembly of SAP Kosovo" (Official Gazette of SRS, No. 33/90)] (PDF). (in Serbo-Croatian). Official Gazette of SR Serbia. 5 July 1990.
  2. ^ "Ramajli: Deklarata Kushtetuese e 2 Korrikut 1990, hapi i parë institucional për pavarësinë e Kosovës" [Ramajli: The Constitutional Declaration of 2 July 1990, the first institutional step for Kosovo's independence] (in Albanian). Bota Sot. 2 July 2023. Në 5 korrik 1990 Kuvendi i Serbisë, në kundërshtim me Kushtetutën, suprimoi Kuvendin dhe Qeverinë e Kosovës