
Prewriting is the first stage of the writing process, typically followed by drafting, revision, editing and publishing.[1][2][3] Prewriting can consist of a combination of outlining, diagramming, storyboarding, and clustering (for a technique similar to clustering, see mindmapping).

  1. ^ Pattison, Darcy. Paper Lightning:Prewriting Activities to Spark Creativity. Cottonwood Press, 2008.
  2. ^ Holmes, Kerry P. Show, Don't Tell: The Importance of Explicit Prewriting Instruction. Clearing House, v76 n5 p241-43 May-Jun 2003
  3. ^ Whitney, Anne; Blau, Sheridan; Bright, Alison; Cabe, Rosemary; Dewar, Tim; Levin, Jason; Macias, Roseanne; Rogers, noelia cobian, Paul. Beyond Strategies: Teacher Practice, Writing Process, and the Influence of Inquiry. English Education, v40 n3 p201-230 Apr 2008