Prospect Hill, New Haven

Map of Prospect Hill neighborhood. Red line is the city-defined neighborhood planning zone. Blue is the Prospect Hill Historic District. Green is the Hillhouse Avenue Historic District

Prospect Hill is a neighborhood of the city of New Haven, Connecticut located in the north central portion of the city, directly north of Downtown New Haven.[1] The neighborhood contains residences, institutional buildings of Albertus Magnus College and a portion of the main campus of Yale University, including the Science Hill area, the Hillhouse Avenue area and the Yale Peabody Museum. The City of New Haven defines the neighborhood to be the region bounded by the town of Hamden in the north, Winchester Avenue in the west, Munson Street/Hillside Place/Prospect Street in the southwest, Trumbull Street in the south, and Whitney Avenue in the east. Prospect Street is the main thoroughfare through the neighborhood.

  1. ^ Prospect Hill (PDF) (Map). New Haven City Plan Department. Retrieved February 6, 2009.