Pubic piercing

Pubic piercing
LocationMons pubis or base of penis
JewelryCaptive bead ring
Healing10 to 12 weeks

A pubic piercing is a body piercing in the pubic area. The term usually refers to a piercing at the base of the penis, making it a male analogue to the Christina. Healing times are typically around 3–4 months.[1]. As this is essentially a surface piercing, the rejection rate is higher than most "conventional" (nose, ear, tongue) piercings. Some get this piercing because it can offer direct stimulation to the clitoris during intercourse. Standard placement is horizontal, at the natural juncture where the bottom of the pubic mound meets the base of the penile shaft. Curved barbells are the most common initial jewellery, although a ring may be an option and many wearers replace their starting jewellery with rings once the piercing has healed. Piercings further up the pubis may also be possible, but this would not be a 'pubic piercing' as such but rather a surface piercing on the pubis. For these placements a staple-shaped surface bar would likely be used to give the best chance of healing.

  1. ^ Angel 2011, p. 166.