Public interest defence

A public interest defence is a defence in law that allows a defendant who disclosed classified or protected information to avoid criminal or civil liability by establishing that the public interest in disclosure of the information outweighs the public interest in nondisclosure.

In the context of secrecy laws, it may permit a whistleblower to disclose government misconduct.

In the context of journalism, publication of a story that the journalist reasonably believes to be true "having regard for all the circumstances", even if subsequently found to be untrue, is protected against action for defamation in UK law.[1]

In the United Kingdom, the Defamation Act 2013 provides a public interest defence.

  1. ^ Jennings, Daniel (14 June 2022). "Arron Banks loses libel claim – it is in the public interest for defamatory statements about him to be published". Shakespeare Martineau. Retrieved 19 May 2023.