Publius Septimius Geta (father of Septimius Severus)

Publius Septimius Geta (fl. 2nd century, c. 110 – 171)[1] was the father of the emperor Lucius Septimius Severus, father-in-law of the Roman empress Julia Domna and the paternal grandfather of the Roman emperors Caracalla and Geta. Besides mentions in the Historia Augusta, Geta is known from several inscriptions, two of which were found in Leptis Magna, Africa (East of Tripoli in modern Libya).[2]

  1. ^ Platnauer, Maurice, The life and reign of the Roman emperor Lucius Septimius Severus
  2. ^ Historia Augusta, "Severus", 1.2; 2.3. A.R. Birley, Septimius Severus: The African Emperor, revised edition (New Haven: Yale University, 1988), pp. 215, 218