
Félix Díaz beside the Argentinian musician Gustavo Cordera in a concert that offer this last for Qopiwini on 1 September 2015.

Qopiwini Lafwetes (Qo.wi.pi.ni. respecting the original spelling) is a group that includes aboriginal cultural settlements in the Province of Formosa in Argentina. It encompasses peoples from the Qom, Pilagá, Wichi and Nivaclé ethnic groups of Argentina. It was formed at the beginning of 2015. In February 2015, they set up a protest camp at the intersection of Avenues 9 of Julio and Avenue of May to draw attention to the repressive actions against the aborigines by the government of Formosa, and to collect citizens' signatures supporting their cause. Included in the camp were some forty representatives of the forty-six communities of the Qom, Pilagá, Wichi and Nivaclé villages.[1]

The leader of the group is Félix Díaz, spokesperson (qarashé) of the Qom Potae Napocna Navogoh community. However, the organization debates the steps to be followed in an assembly.[1]

  1. ^ a b Cregan, Fionula (June 11, 2015), Summit Brings Together 25 Indigenous Nations For Resistance, Popular Resistance, retrieved Feb 21, 2016