Quadratus plantae muscle

Quadratus plantae muscle
Muscles of the sole of the foot. Second layer. (Quadratus plantae visible at center.)
OriginCalcaneus, long plantar ligament
InsertionTendons of flexor digitorum longus
NerveLateral plantar nerve (S1, 2)
ActionsAssists flexor digitorum longus in flexion of DIP joints
Latinmusculus quadratus plantae
Anatomical terms of muscle

The quadratus plantae (flexor accessorius) is separated from the muscles of the first layer by the lateral plantar vessels and nerve. It acts to aid in flexing the 2nd to 5th toes (offsetting the oblique pull of the flexor digitorum longus) and is one of the few muscles in the foot with no homolog in the hand.