Quaestura exercitus

The quaestura exercitus was an administrative district of the Eastern Roman Empire with a seat in Odessus (present-day Varna) established by Emperor Justinian I (r. 527–565) on May 18, 536.[1]

Territorially, the quaestura exercitus contained the Roman provinces of Moesia Inferior and Scythia Minor, located in the lower Danube region, as well as the provinces of Cyprus, Caria, and the Aegean Islands. All of these provinces were detached from the praetorian prefecture of the East and placed under the authority of a new army official known as the quaestor exercitus ('quaestor of the army').[2] The authority of the quaestor was the equivalent to that of a magister militum.[3]

  1. ^ Velkov 1977, p. 62.
  2. ^ Maas 2005, p. 120.
  3. ^ Haldon 1999, p. 68.