Quantification Settlement Agreement

The Quantification Settlement Agreement of 2003 is an agreement between the Imperial Irrigation District, the San Diego County Water Authority, and several other federal, local, and state water agencies. Under the terms of the agreement, the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) agreed to transfer large quantities of irrigation water to the San Diego County Water Authority while providing a pathway for the state of California to restore the Salton Sea. According to the IID, "The Quantification Settlement Agreement and Related Agreements are a set of inter-related contracts that settle certain disputes among the United States, the State of California, IID, Metropolitan Water District, Coachella Valley Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority."[1]

The implementation of the agreement has been controversial, as critics have argued that the agreement was passed without proper environmental review. The impact on the surrounding environment has been cited by opponents, who argue that the policies of the agreement are severely damaging the Salton Sea and Colorado River. In addition, a protracted drought affecting the state of California has complicated the debate about effective water control policies. Prior to the agreement, there was comparatively little environmental impact on the ecologically fragile Salton Sea. If upheld by the courts, the conditions will remain in force for up to 75 years.

  1. ^ Imperial Irrigation District. "QSA - Water Transfer". Retrieved 1 May 2015.