Quintus Caecilius Metellus Celer

Quintus Caecilius Metellus Celer (c. 104 BC – 59 BC)[1] was a Roman politician who was consul in 60 BC and in the next year opposed Pompey, Caesar, and the so-called First Triumvirate's political programme. He was a member of the powerful and influential plebeian noble family, the Caecilii Metelli. Prior to 62 BC, he was an ally of Pompey and had served as urban praetor in 63, augur by 63 BC, possibly aedile in 67 BC, and plebeian tribune in either 72 or 68 BC.[2][3]

  1. ^ Zmeskal 2009, p. 50.
  2. ^ Badian 2012.
  3. ^ See also entry at Broughton 1952, p. 539: "Leg., Lieut.? 78, Tr. Pl. ? 68? ... Aed. Pl. 67 ?? ... Leg., Lieut. 66, Pr. 63, Procos. Cisalp. Gaul 62, Cos. 60, Augur before 63–59".